Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Maternity Housing Coalition (MHC)?

The Maternity Home Coalition is a group of life-affirming housing efforts throughout the United States committed to promoting positive housing practices and transformational ministry. By providing opportunities for training and education as well as forums for networking with other leaders, the MHC strengthens the capacity of housing providers to address the needs of pregnant women in need of support.

What are the qualifications to become an affiliate of the MHC?

Acceptance as an affiliate of Heartbeat International's including agreement with the affiliate principles, Commitment of Care and Competence and MHC Addendum.

Is it required to be a religious organization to join MHC?

Both MHC and Heartbeat operate as faith-based, Christ-centered efforts. It is not required that an organization itself be expressly faith-based or Christ-centered or under a specific statement of faith. It is only required that the organizations accept and adhere to the principles of affiliation and the Commitment of Care and Competence (as well as the specific addendum for MHC members).

What are the benefits of being part of the MHC?

There is much that a coalition can accomplish when united in voice to the public, the political spectrum and its own “industry” members. In addition to standing with fellow like-minded housing professionals, the MHC affiliate is also a part of Heartbeat International, the nation’s first and largest association of life-affirming pregnancy help ministries and organizations. Affiliation includes discounts to current and future Heartbeat/MHC housing-focused periodicals, program services materials, training opportunities, consultation services and much more.

How does my organization join the Coalition?

Affiliate with Heartbeat International by downloading the Affiliation Form, completing and returning it with payment. Indicate “Housing” as a service type. It is assumed all housing-related organizations will be included in the MHC.

What is the cost to join the Coalition?

The cost for joining the MHC is the same as Heartbeat International affiliation. Annual costs are $250 or $200 if affiliated with an approved national/international association (list is at Start-up organizations who have not yet opened, but are planning to may join with a first year complimentary affiliation.

What is the relationship of MHC to Heartbeat International?

The Maternity Housing Coalition is operated under, and funded through, the auspices of Heartbeat International. Funds received from housing affiliates are used primarily for the purposes of MHC and/or Heartbeat’s efforts to serve housing organizations. If a member organization loses or abandons its status as a Heartbeat Affiliate, or if the member organization elects to withdraw from Heartbeat’s Affinity Group for Housing, the organization will have effectively abandoned its affiliation with the MHC.

Can I be in the MHC but not affiliate with Heartbeat?

Acceptance as an affiliate of Heartbeat International is a requirement of joining and maintaining membership in the MHC.

Reach Out

Pregnant? Need Help? 1-800-712-4357   
Maternity Homes 614-885-7577