The Maternity Housing Coalition exists to inspire excellence among maternity housing providers and articulate a collective voice to advance the culture of life and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  We provide training and tools, facilitate exchanges of knowledge and experiences, and foster fellowship among members.

The life-affirming effort of aiding women, children and families in and around pregnancy necessarily includes the promoting and providing housing resources and extended care. Strong housing services are the result of committed individuals and organizations striving for excellence in all areas. 

We value all housing efforts that seek to overcome the challenge of homelessness. We know that there are many valuable organizations and heroic individuals who give tirelessly to provide housing. For a variety of reasons, we have limited our current coalition to life-affirming maternity homes with a Christ-centered leadership and/or service model.


The MHC provides opportunities for affiliated maternity homes to connect with other maternity homes and life-affirming organizations nationwide. This includes our exclusive Maternity Housing Coalition facebook group, networking events, as well as access to all affiliate benefits of Heartbeat International

The MHC provides a Housing Locator Tool so your home can seamlessly be found by clients and advocates in the first of its kind accuracy and speed. The Housing Locator features quick and easy filter options to search for homes by intake criteria, client needs as well as the ability to submit an initial inquiry application for residency right on the same webpage. 


The MHC provides its members with access to ongoing maternity housing specific materials and publications including monthly housing specific webinars, relevant podcasts, and our e-newsletter, Heart & Home, with the most up to date information about the movement and current practices to support homes of every approach and housing model.


As a part of Heartbeat International, the MHC provides opportunities all year long for our affiliates to grow in their faith, profession, and relationships. Staff and volunteers of maternity homes are invited to attend our annual Conference with a maternity housing track as well as our summer Pregnancy Help Institute, a small group learning environment for in-depth training. Additionally, our housing affiliates have access to a monthly cost-free consultation with a housing specialist to review any topic of choice related to maternity housing.

Reach Out

Pregnant? Need Help? 1-800-712-4357   
Maternity Homes 614-885-7577