Benefits of Affiliation
Heartbeat nurtures all aspects of our affiliates, from spiritual growth to workaday stewardship. We serve organizations as they strive to fulfill their vision, and we serve the team members who carry out that vision on a daily basis. From startup to long-standing services, from intervention basics to medical expansion, from pregnancy help to housing and more, Heartbeat is ready to come alongside with support. Heartbeat assistance and consultation is as close as complimentary phone call or e-mail for affiliates in the U.S. and Canada.
Largest international network of pregnancy help ministries. Affiliates participate in a network whose vast, God-given vision advances the pregnancy help movement worldwide.
Discount of 20%. This affiliate-only discount on Heartbeat resources applies to most training, manuals, and webinars.
**Conferences and specialized training. Heartbeat trainings come to you live, online, and on-demand through programs such as the Annual Conference, Heartbeat Institute for Center Effectivenessâ„ , and webinars through the Heartbeat Academy.
**Option Line. Affiliates in the U.S. and Canada qualify to be listed on this 24-hour, English and Spanish referral hotline. This hotline advertises the services of pregnancy help organizations and connects women in need with their nearest Heartbeat International affiliate. Option Line® offers this service 24/7 by toll-free phone calls, text messaging and live chat. For details on how your center can qualify for Option Line, call (614) 802-2808 during normal business hours, EST.
**Heart & Home (for maternity housing programs) and other Timely ePublications. List publications. ex: support for your board - leadership email.Affiliates may subscribe to Heartbeat’s electronic newsletters (e-zines) on specialized topics. These dynamic, easy-to-read publications are jam-packed with spiritual refreshment as well as ideas for programs, fundraising, and client resources, in addition to news about other affiliates and national events.
Sexual Integrity Program. Heartbeat’s comprehensive approach reaches out to clients with a message of sexual wholeness. The Sexual Integrity™ Program has elements that can help every client discover her identity as an image-bearer of God, and learn to live out her sexuality in a true, excellent, honest and pure way.
**Life-affirming Specialist (LAS) Certification. Heartbeat International and Seminars 2000 have partnered to develop a professional designation for those working in life-affirming ministries, raising the credibility of those professionals. Life-Affirming Specialist™ Certification communicates a high level of study, competency, and familiarity with the latest research and findings related to life-affirming information and training.
On-site training and consultation. Heartbeat affiliates qualify for exceptional discounts on a variety of training topics from fundraising to Board Development and from program assessment to staff development. Many affiliates find great value in Heartbeat’s Center 360° Assessmentâ„ , as well as legal and medical reviews through the Institute for Center Effectivenessâ„ .
Web design for your center. Extend Web Services provides affiliates with a wide selection of websites and connectivity levels.
Heartbeat’s Worldwide Directory Desk Reference™. All affiliates receive a complimentary copy of this annually updated pregnancy help ministry reference.
Membership in the Maternity Housing Coalition
MHC Vision
Make abortion unwanted today and unthinkable for future generations.
MHC Mission
Inspire excellence among maternity housing providers and articulate a collective voice to advance the culture of life and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This will be done by providing training and tools, facilitating an exchange of knowledge and experience, and fostering fellowship among members.
The MHC lives in Heartbeat’s “Reach” pillar of our Mission. We REACH people and organizations to empower them through services, products and education that provide true reproductive health care and ministry.
Membership of the Maternity Housing Coalition grants you direct access to monthly one on one consultations with a housing specialist, access to the Maternity Housing Coalition facebook group, and ongoing training and tools specific to maternity housing ministry.
Social Media Groups:
For Housing Ministers: This closed Facebook group is for those serving in housing ministries to build connections and ask questions of their peers for various aspects related to running a maternity housing program:
Public: This public page is to renew the public image of maternity housing programs and to present the good work being done by maternity homes across the country:
Conferences and Regional Meetings:
The MHC facilitates the housing offerings of the Heartbeat International conference, ensuring high quality opportunities for homes to learn and to gather.
The MHC hosts the Annual Maternity Housing Coalition Networking Reception every spring for homes across the nation to connect, learn from comparable housing programs and establish lasting friendships. This location rotates annually.
One on one consultations with housing specialists for any staff or board member of an affiliated home.
Finally, whenever possible, the MHC facilitates regional meetings in key cities across the United States to encourage face-to-face gatherings.
For additional information, please contact:
Valerie Harkins
Heartbeat International, Housing Specialist
Maternity Housing Coalition, Director